Bears PTO
Raising funds for student and teacher success. Providing family fun and resources.
Meet the Team
Stacy Pollard
Vice President
Eden Enright
Mary Ciula
Secretary Co-Chair
Alexa Stuart
Secretary Co-Chair
Renee Bisnett
Member at Large
Josh Liss
Member at Large
Tami Cole
Member at Large
Cara Vasquez
Member at Large
Chelsea French
About Us
Bears PTO is the Parent Teacher Organization at Indian Hills Elementary school. Our purpose is to improve and expand on each student's school experience by creating an alliance between the teachers and parents/guardians.
We do this by:
Promoting open communication between teachers and parents.
Encourage students, parents and teacher participation at school functions.
Create a collaborative atmosphere where parents may share ideas, problems, and solutions regarding the school.
You'll see the results of these efforts as soon as you arrive on campus. Thanks to the generosity of the Indian Hills community, PTO funds have paid for:
Bulletin Bars/ boards throughout the school
Library renovations including new tables, chairs, paint and decor
Bus/transportation for each class annual field trip
Oregon Battle of the Books tournament fees, books, and t-shirts
Free family events like movie night, BINGO, and the fall dance
Outdoor equipment including basketballs, bean bag toss, ladder toss, and spike ball
Staff Appreciation Week
6th grade breakfast in June
Additional supplies for licensed and classified staff members
Umbrellas & vests for recess staff and crossing guards
ERC grant and supplies including wobble chairs, games, headphones
SLP books and supplies
Storage Shed
Reader board in front of school
Free spirit gear t-shirt to each student and staff member during the 2022-23, and 2023-24 school years
PTO Links
Want to Volunteer on campus?